Hernán Ronsino
Hernán Ronsino was born in 1975, nine months after the military coup d‘état in Chivilcoy, a little town in the Argentinian Pampa. After school he moved to Buenos Aires to study sociology. Besides his literary oeuvre comprising two collections of short stories, three novels, and a children’s book, Hernán Ronsino is professor of sociology and is teaching at the University of Buenos Aires and the Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales (FLASCO). /// As of December 11, 2017
“Die Einschläge der Abrissbirne bilden zusammen mit der Stille des Nachmittags, dem Rumoren der Kuh durch den Schatten und den schubartigen Bruchstücken dieser asthmatischen Stimme den Körper einer Symphonie, prekär in ihrem Gleichgewicht, in ihrer zeitlichen Ausdehnung.”
— From “Lumbre” (Zurich, Bilgerverlag 2016), from Spanish to German by Luis Ruby

On 25 January 2018 Isabelle Vonlanthen from the Literaturhaus welcomes the visitors to the reading by Hernán Ronsino. Photo Ralph Hut

Hernán Ronsino talks with Gabriela Stöckli about his novel “Lumbre.” Photo Ralph Hut